A mayor and six-member council govern Chase City. A town manager administers daily activities including fire, police, public works and recreation.
Chase City's significant water supply changed from well water to surface water from the Roanoke River Service Authority. The Town now has an abundant water supply and can now entertain industrial prospects that demand a high volume of water.
The town government is far-sighted and supportive of an industrial environment in its coordination of a major sewage treatment expansion. The Planning Commission and Industrial Development Authority also cooperate closely with business and industry.
Town Council meets the second Monday night each month at 7:00 PM at the Chase City Municipal Building.
Alden Fahringer, Mayor
James Bohannon, Vice Mayor
Town Council:
Brenda Hatcher
Latrisha McCargo
Marshall E. Whitaker
Michelle Wilson Pauline Keeton
Town Staff:
C.F. “Dusty” Forbes - Town Manager
J. A. Jordon - Police Chief
Virginia G. Walker - Treasurer
Donald Long - Public Works Superintendent