Sarah Caknipe has not set their biography yet

Water Pressure Issue

Due to an emergency repair on Endly Street the town is experiencing decreased water pressure. We will have pressure back to normal as soon as possible.

4110 Hits

Leaf Pickup Complete

The Town has completed leaf pickup for this year. If you have more leaves, please place in trash bags for garbage pickup.

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Public Notice

The Town Offce and the Police Department will remain closed until at least Monday, November 16 due to COVID.  Payments may be made online, via phone, the drop box or mail.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Leaf Pick Up

The Town will began leaf pick up on November 18th.

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Unveiling of Virginia's Newest LOVE Sculpture

Share the LOVE with MacCallum More Museum & Gardens, Mecklenburg County & Virginia Tourism,
November 15th.
WHO: MacCallum More Museum & Gardens, Mecklenburg County Tourism, the Chase City
Chamber of Commerce, Town of Chase City and Virginia Tourism Corporation.
WHAT: Join us for the unveiling of Virginia’s newest LOVE sculpture and a celebration of Fall,
travel and tourism in Mecklenburg County, VA.
WHERE: MacCallum More Museum & Gardens – 603 Hudgins Street Chase City, VA
WHEN: Sunday, November 15th 1pm – 5pm
MORE: It's time for that road trip to discover one of Virginia’s greatest hidden treasures! This 6-
acre oasis located in the heart of Chase City is waiting to offer you the peace & respite
you seek. Join us on November 15th as we unveil our new LOVE sculpture and celebrate
Fall in the Gardens with many fall treats in store like award-winning Brunswick stew
mastered by Daniel Town Stew Crew - 2019 Taste of Brunswick Festival Champions. A
cider bar featuring fresh pressed Virginia apple cider from Morris’ Orchard, a hot dog bar,
fire pit for s’mores and hand-made wares by the Lake Country Artisans Guild. Live music
by the Tobacco Road Band. Admission is Free.
Tourism is an instant revenue generator for Mecklenburg County and Virginia. In 2019,
local tourism generated $152 million in revenue, supported nearly 1,500 jobs locally and
provided $1.8 billion in state and local revenue for the Commonwealth. The LOVEworks
program is an extension of the iconic Virginia is for Lovers brand, designed to promote
travel throughout the Commonwealth.
CONTACT: Tina Morgan, Tourism Coordinator
434-738-6191 x4438
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Note to media: Images of LOVEworks from around the Commonwealth are available at, the official pressroom of the Virginia Tourism Corporation.

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4137 Hits


There will be a drive-thru Trunk or Treat at the Fairgrounds Saturday, October 31, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Bring your little ghosts and goblins!!

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Mecklenburg County’s Gift Card Match Program - Round 3

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There will be trimming of trees and bushes at Woodland Cemetery in the upcoming weeks.  If you have any questions or concerns please call the Town Manager at (434) 372-5136.

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Clean Up Week Date Change

Fall Clean up week has been changed. The town will be conducting our annual Fall Clean Up the week of October 19-23. Please have your brush and debris out during this week that we have dedicated to keeping Chase City clean and clear of debris and junk.


We will NOT be taking batteries, tires, paint or corrosives, you must dispose of those yourself at the regional landfill. If you have any questions, contact the Town Shop at 372-3220.

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Upskilling Program

Microsoft and the SOVA Innovation Hub have partnered with gener8tor, a turnkey platform for the creative economy to execute an Upskilling program for customer service and sales roles.

Click link below for details.



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Small Business Grant Program

The Rebuild VA Grant Fund is a program to help small businesses and non-profits whose normal operations were disrupted by COVID-19, including restaurants, brick and mortar retail, exercise and fitness facilities, personal care and personal grooming services, entertainment and public amusement establishments, and campgrounds.
Businesses and non-profits that are approved for a Rebuild VA grant may receive up to 3 times their average monthly eligible expenses up to a maximum of $10,000. 
Linda Tackett, Regional Lending Manager for the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority in the Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity, will present an overview of the Grant Fund’s updated eligibility criteria to receive funds, the eligible expenses to be covered by the funding and the documents required for submission with an application for funding. She will also answer questions at the conclusion of her presentation.
The website to visit for more information on the REBUILD! VA Grant Fund is:
Tell us how your business is faring during COVID-19
The Virginia Small Business Development Centers are partnering with the Federal Reserve on the 2020 Small Business Credit Survey. This survey amplifies the voices of small businesses and provides timely economic data to policymakers who are weighing decisions that affect small businesses.
Please click the link below to complete the survey. Thank you for participating
The survey closes October 31, 2020. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view
3963 Hits

Chase City Airport Fly-In

.Fly In 9 20

4857 Hits

Public Notice

The Town Office will be closed until further notice for office renovation. The side window on Walker St will be open for all business transactions starting Monday, September 21. Anticipated to reopen in two weeks.



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Paint Bids

The Town of Chase City will receive sealed bids for painting the exterior of the Chase City Police Department.  Click link for details and bid sheet.


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Please read CAREFULLY to see if your business is eligible for this grant. Page 1

covid19 recovery

Page 1

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Please read CAREFULLY to see if your business is eligible for this grant. Page 2


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.Rebuild va

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Public Notice - Party at the Pavilion Cancelled

Unfortunately we are cancelling the August show at the Pavilion as the virus continues to remain a constant threat.  We are holding off on cancelling the remaining shows in hopes that we will have a clearer opportunity to provide great entertainment with minimal threat of becoming sick.  Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask in close spaces.

3803 Hits

Public Notice - Water Leak

Crews are working on a water leak in the Thynedale area.  If you live in this area you may experience water pressure issues.  We do not have an estimated time of repair at this time.

UPDATE: The estimated repair time for the water break in Thynedale is 7:00 pm.

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Upcoming Events