Sarah Caknipe has not set their biography yet


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2588 Hits

Boil Water Rescind

boil water notice recind418


3627 Hits

Boil Water Notice

boil water2


2401 Hits

Contractors Needed

Residential Contractors needed


1603 Hits

Pictures of Time Capsule Retrieval


Time Capsule2

3005 Hits

Pictures of Time Capsule Retrieval Cont.

Time Capsule


2253 Hits

New Public Works Hours

Starting July 10, 2023 the Public Works Department will be changing to their summer hours of 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to beat the summer heat.  This may cause your garbage pick up to be an hour earlier.

1884 Hits

Special Council Meeting


The Chase City Town Council will be holding a special council meeting on Monday,
June 26, 2023 at 5:30pm. This meeting is to pass an ordinance adopting title 46.2
and Article Two 18.2-266-18.2-273, Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended. This
meeting will be at the town office at 319 N Main Street, Chase City and is open to the


1889 Hits

Chase City Gardens story is now up on the NIFA website.

Click the link below to read all about it!!

1762 Hits

2022 Consumer Confidence Drinking Water Quality Report







1962 Hits

Public Announcement

We are happy to announce that our new Voyent system is live! If you have not signed up yet to get the latest alerts for your area, it’s not too late. There are three ways to sign up. You can go to the app store and download the Voyent Alert app. You can sign up at or you can simply come into the town office and we would be happy to sign you up. Be sure to put your address and name when registering because many alerts will be sent to only localities effected.


1942 Hits

Public Announcement

Chase City Town Council will be having a special called meeting on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 6:00pm. The meeting will take place at the Estes Center, 316 N Main Street, Chase City.
1956 Hits


.First Time Homebuyer Opportunity

2779 Hits

Public Announcement




2745 Hits

Fall Clean Up Week

Fall Cleanup 2022 3


2517 Hits

Public Announcement

Beginning next week, a contractor will begin work repaving Main Street. Please avoid parking along Main Street until the paving work is completed.

2679 Hits



Boil Water Rescind 1

2865 Hits

Boil Water Notice

Notice to Water Service Customers:

A Boil Water Notice has been issued as a safety precaution resulting from a water line repair today on West Sycamore Street.  

We will inform you when you no longer need to boil your water.

Boil Water 3


2692 Hits

Water Leak Repair

Public Works will be repairing a water main leak on West Sycamore on Tuesday, August 30, 2022.  Residents and businesses may lose water and/or water pressure during the repair. The repairs will be completed as quickly as possible.
Also, W Sycamore Street will be closed from Pettus Street to High Street during the repair.
2548 Hits

2022-2023 Budget

2022 2023 BUDGET 1


3344 Hits

Upcoming Events